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Thoughts of a Lifestyle Domme

I'm a lifestyle domme. These are my thoughts. /fin

Okay, but somewhat more seriously, dominance has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Long before I really knew what it was. I pursued D/s as soon as I could and now have a 24/7 TPE dynamic . Over the years, I've written articles, guides, created resources and other bits and put them in one place. And you've found it.

Have a browse, have a read and do have fun.

Latest Posts
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The Taming of the Shrew

Shakespeare is perhaps not the first place that someone’s mind might go when thinking of D/s, but I have been fond of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ since I first read it. For those unfamiliar with it, here’s a quick plot synopsis: A wealthy man of Padua has two daughters; [...]

Why ‘Force Me To Submit’ Can Be A Red Flag

‘I need someone to force me to submit’ is yet another sentiment which shows up in my inbox surprisingly often. It has rubbed me the wrong way for as long as I can remember, but I couldn’t put my finger on why. After all, the rhetoric of force weaves itself [...]

Male Submission Is Not Weakness

The link bewteen submission and weakness has always been present, and the increasing emphasis on ultimate personal autonomy has only strengthened that idea.
photo of spiral white stairs

The Sub / Domme Ratio

'The ratio' of dommes to subs is a myth. So, why do so many male subs claim that finding a domme is impossible?
Silken Claws.
Welcome to the thoughts of a lifestyle domme - a collection of articles, writing, rambles and otherwise on femdom, power exchange, and kink in general.
© Copyright 2023 Silken Claws.
Please do not use or reproduce any of my work without prior written consent.